Are you looking for a quick way to improve Scene transitions?
A hard cut from one Scene to another is appropriate at times.
But a soft transition with a fade-out, wait some time, and then fade-in is more dramatic.
Even a short fade-out then fade-in feels more polished.
Phaser 3 makes this pretty easy with built-in fade-out and fade-in effects on the Camera
In this article, we will show you how to use these fade effects and add a delay before fading in the new Scene for added dramatics!
Example Set-Up
This example will consist of 2 Scenes. One of the Ourcade logo and another of the Phaser 3 logo.
We will then use the Space
key to trigger a fade-out from one and fade-in to the other.
The code will be in TypeScript but don't worry if you are not familiar. Phaser makes using this effect so simple that the TypeScript will not look much different than modern JavaScript!
It is a great opportunity to get some exposure to TypeScript if you've been hesitant.
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Ourcade Logo Scene
Our first Scene will be the OurcadeLogoScene
that simply loads the Ourcade logo and display it.
Everything should be fairly straight forward.
Notice that we are setting the background color of this Scene to #421278
which is a dark purple.
Phaser Logo Scene
Next, let's create the PhaserLogoScene
in a similar way to the OurcadeLogoScene
This Scene is even simpler as we don't set a custom background color.
Did you notice how similar this code is to modern JavaScript?
TypeScript is nothing to fear! Any valid JavaScript is also valid TypeScript.
Fade Out a Scene
Now that we have our Scenes, let's fade-out the OurcadeLogoScene
and start the PhaserLogoScene
We will start the fade-out once the Space
key is pressed.
We add a listener for the keydown-SPACE
event on line 7 and then start the fade-out effect when that happens on line 9.
The first parameter is the time in milliseconds which we've set to 1000
Then the next 3 parameters define the red, blue, and green values for the color to fade-out to. We've chosen 0
for all which is black.
Next, we listen for the Phaser.Cameras.Scene2D.Events.FADE_OUT_COMPLETE
event which fires after the fade-out effect is finished and start the phaser-logo
You should see the current Scene fade out and then the next Scene appear abruptly.
Fade In a Scene
Next, let's have the next Scene fade-in when it starts. Add this to PhaserLogoScene
That single line is all you need! It has the same signature or parameter list as the fadeOut()
method we used earlier.
This will fade the Scene in over 1000
milliseconds from black.
Delay Before Fade In
Now, let's add a dramatic delay before starting the next Scene.
Replace this.scene.start()
call in OurcadeLogoScene
The new line of code is on line 8 where we use a delayedCall
to wait 1000
milliseconds or 1 second before starting the phaser-logo
Compare it to the code in the Fade Out a Scene section to get a better feel for what changed.
The fade-out, delay, then fade-in will look something like this:
Optional Fade In
Our example will always fade-in the PhaserLogoScene
but you may be transitioning to a Scene from different points in your game and might not always want it to fade-in.
We can make it optional by passing in additional data to the Scene when we start it and then using that data to determine whether the Scene should fade-in or not.
This is where the TypeScript typing information comes in:
Notice that we added a data
parameter to the create()
method. It will have a property called fadeIn
that is of type boolean
Then we check on line 7 that data.fadeIn
is true before performing a fade-in.
This means that our existing code in OurcadeLogoScene
will no longer result in a fade-in when starting the phaser-logo
Here's how we can make it fade-in again:
Notice that we are passing in the object { fadeIn: true }
on line 9 when we start the phaser-logo
Next Steps
Phaser 3 comes with a handful of other effects you can use alone or mix & match as Scene transitions.
You can also do a long fade-out to a quick fade-in by adjusting the millisecond values passed to fadeOut()
and fadeIn()
or use different colors to get a different look and feel.
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