Use Spine with Arcade Physics in Phaser 3
by on 5 minute read

If you've tried adding Arcade Physics to a complex Spine animation like the SpineBoy example then you probably ran into problems with the bounding box, inverting scaleX, and more. It can all be solved!

Organize Phaser 3 Code with Custom GameObjectFactory Methods
by on 5 minute read updated on

Have you made a few simple games in Phaser and are starting to use modern JavaScript classes? This article will show you how to organize code with classes while keeping code in a readable Phaser style.

How To Fire Bullets from Facing Direction in Phaser 3
by on 4 minute read

Figuring out how to shoot bullets from any angle a character is facing can be challenging. Luckily, Phaser has built-in functions for this in Arcade Physics and the Vector2 class.

How to Get Phaser Spine Plugin to Work Without NPM
by on 4 minute read

Are you trying to get the Phaser Spine plugin to work without NPM but failing miserably at it? There's a bunch of files in the Github repository but which one do you need? In this article, we will show exactly how!

Add Text Input to Your Phaser 3 Game with RexUI
by on 4 minute read updated on

Phaser doesn't come with native UI controls so you'll need a third-party solution for things like text input. In this article, we show how you can use the RexUI TextEdit plugin to get text input from the player.

5 Local Web Server Options to Get Started with Phaser
by on 6 minute read

Setting up your development environment for Phaser 3 as a beginner to web development can be a challenge. We share 5 simple and easy options for Mac or Windows.

Make a Homing Missile that Seeks a Target Using Arcade Physics in Phaser 3
by on 5 minute read

If you are making a space shooter game in Phaser 3 with Arcade Physics and tried to add a homing or target seeking missile then you've probably run into a problem with the physics bounding box. We have a solution for you!

DOM Element Button in Phaser 3 with JSX and TypeScript
by on 5 minute read

There is a vast ecosystem of beautifully styled and feature-packed CSS frameworks can be leveraged for UI in a Phaser game. In this article, we look at using Bulma, JSX, and the DOMElement to easily add buttons to your game.

Container Button in Phaser 3 with RxJS and TypeScript
by on 6 minute read

It is common for buttons to have text in them. But like most GameObjects in Phaser, the basic button cannot have children. This means you have to manipulate buttons and text separately. In this article, we will show you how to use a Container to group them.

Basic Button in Phaser 3 with RxJS and TypeScript
by on 8 minute read updated on

Phaser 3 is a fun and easy-to-use game framework but it does not come with buttons. This is no problem because making a button in Phaser is simple. In this article we will show you how to make a button in Phaser using TypeScript and the power RxJS.

Give Your HTML5 Web Game a Native-like Experience
by on 4 minute read

For an HTML5 game to have a full native experience you'll need a wrapper like Capacitor. But there's another option if your game is playable from a URL or you want a quick way to test without building for native. This article shows you how to add native-like trimmings to your web game.

How to Quickly Test Your Phaser 3 Game on Mobile Devices
by on 4 minute read

One of the benefits of HTML5 game development is the speed at which you can make changes and test them. But making mobile builds to test is a slow affair. Luckily, that can be fixed! In this article, we show you how to access your development server from a mobile device.